- Tech Docs

cURL example integration

$ curl -XPOST \

  -H 'X-Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY' \

  -H "Content-type: application/json" \

  -d '{ "email" : "your-customer-email@mailprovider.com", "country":"it", "first_name":"customer-name", "zip_code": "00001" }' \


Some notes:

  • We use Unirest in our examples, but feel free to use any framework or library capable of making HTTP POST requests
  • Remember to customise the variables in the examples - the snippet will not work as-is
  • You have a personal API key in the Integrate section of your account. Copy that key and subsitute it in the snippet where YOUR_API_KEY is noted
  • The HTTP request’s content type must be application/json (the example should already take care of this)
  • The body of the HTTP request must contain a JSON-encoded object with your data (the example should already take care of this)