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Conversions tracking

What is conversion tracking

After receiving a transactional email, the customer lands on your site. If he/she chooses to redeem your coupon/offer and finalize the order on your shop, the lead becomes a conversion.

We can track those conversions for you if they happen within 28 days from the user’s first access to your site.

How does it technically work

When you create a campaign, you always specify a landing page for the offer.

On that page you must include the conversion tracking snippet.

How do I implement conversion tracking (technical details)

First of all, you have to make sure the integration snippet is present in your campaigns’ landing pages.

Place the following snippet in the section of your order confirmation page.

Replace the <amount>, <currency> and <order_id> placeholders with the appropriate values.

The <amount> can be either a number or a string, with a dot separator for decimals.

The <currency> must be passed as its ISO 3 letter code, i.e. USD, EUR.
It is a string so make sure to enclose it in quotes.

The <order_id> is a string and it’s optional

<script src="https://www.transactionale.com/conversion/js/v1/conversion.js"></script>
    _tr_conversion(<amount>, <currency>, <order_id>);

Ok, so I have just to copy this code as-is on my website?

No. Please remember that you must adapt this code to your particular environment. This means that, for example, <amount> is only an example placeholder that stands for a Javascript variable that must be passed from your server, with a correct JavaScript syntax (this includes using quotes when you pass a string).

Just as an example, if your site is based on PHP, you have to pass somehow the necessary variables from your website/CMS, using the function your site provides natively to fetch the correct data into JavaScript:

// Remember that this below is an **example code** in PHP.
// The getOrderAmount() and getOrderCurrency() functions are therefore only
// example functions. Please adapt the implementation on your own software/CMS!
$orderId = $currentOrder['id'];
$amount = getOrderAmount($orderId);
// Remember that currency is a string, so it needs *quotes*. In PHP we can provide
// them with json_encode().
$currency = json_encode(getOrderCurrency($orderId));
<script src="https://www.transactionale.com/conversion/js/v1/conversion.js"></script>
    _tr_conversion(<?php echo $amount?>, <?php echo $currency ?>, <?php echo $orderId ?> );

So, if your customer places an order of 12.30 EUR, with an order id of 27894, the above PHP code should render the following JavaScript:

<script src="https://www.transactionale.com/conversion/js/v1/conversion.js"></script>
    _tr_conversion(12.30, "EUR", 27894);