
The order confirmation page is displayed after the users completes a purchase on your website.

Before inserting this snippet, please make sure you have correctly set up the loader.

The trackTransaction event

Tracks a completed transaction (order, booking etc.). This allows tracking conversion besides allowing the delivery of offers to the customers via one of the available touchpoints: web or mail. For web touchpoints you should set touchpointType: “web” e chiamerà implicitamente triggerWebTouchpoint and also provide a touchpointId that you can find on the Monetize section of your Transactionale account.

        event: 'trackTransaction',
        transaction: {
            id: 'xxxxx', // Order ID
            total: xxx.xx, // Required
            currency: 'EUR' // EUR by default
        // The customer object can be removed if the website does not support a dedicated opt-in for data sharing with third parties
        customer: {
            firstName: 'name', // Optional
            lastName: 'surname', // Optional
            email: '', // Optional
            optin: false // Optional - if false all the provided data will be discarded
        // touchpointId: 123, // Always show the provided touchpoint
        touchpointType: 'auto' // auto, web, mail
<!-- Only for publishers - Defines the spot where the banner or the offers will be displayed -->
<div id="tr_touchpoint_container"></div>

Available Google Merchant categories:

Automatic touchpoint selection

By setting auto as touchpointType, the best touchpoint will be activated automatically according to the values provided. In case the web touchpoint is activated and no touchpointId is provided, the default one will be used.

Web and auto touchpoints

If you are using a web (or auto) touchpoint, you should define where you want the offers to appear in your page. To do this, insert a <div id="tr_touchpoint_container"></div> in the desired place.

Offers banner

If you want to use the banner version of the web touchpoint, you have two available layouts to choose from: horizontal (default) or vertical.

You can enable a vertical layout by adding the tr-touchpoint-layout-vertical class to the <div> like this:
<div id="tr_touchpoint_container" class="tr-touchpoint-layout-vertical"></div>
The banner will appear similar to the following: