
La integración consiste en la inclusión de un JavaScript tag que permite adquirir las intenciones de los usuarios durante la navegación en vuestra página web. El snippet está formado por 2 partes:

  • El loader: Una librería JavaScript que ha de ser cargada en cada página. Es requerido para que interactúe con los otros snippets y los servidores de Transactionale y para habilitar el IU para los usuarios finales.
  • El tracker: permite trackear los diferentes eventos que ocurren durante la navegación de los visitantes (productos que ven o compran) y los usaremos para hacer las mejores recomendaciones targuetizadas.

Implementar el tracker es rápido, simple e invisible para los usuarios. La calidad de nuestras recomendaciones depende directamente de la calidad de la implementación de este tracker, incluyendo la instalación del tag en cada página, dar todos los parámetros disponibles, etc.

El tag:

  • No altera de ninguna manera la visión de la página y es invisible para los usuarios.
  • Es asincrónico y no ralentiza al cargar la página.
  • Debe ser integrado en las partes correctas de las de la página de vuestra web.

Where should you implement the code?

First, you have to insert the loader as described here.

Then, you should implement the snippet in the following pages:

You can also implement the lead-webhook to receive leads in real-time.

Home page

The home page snippet allows monitoring the so-called bounces: users that land on the website and then leave without shopping.

Products list

Any page in the catalog that shows a list of products - i.e. a category page, or search results, or a brand’s page. The products list snippet allows monitoring of user interests toward certain products or categories.

Many users only browse categories or search results, without clicking on any detail page, so this implementation is key to monitor these users.

Product details

The product page shows details of a single product. Installing the product page snippet is extremely important because it can track a users’s clear interest in a product. Many users directly land on product pages without going through categories or search.

Shopping basket

The shopping basket snippet allows monitoring users close to conversion, but do not complete the order process.

Order confirmation page

When a user completes a purchase on your website, he/she will usually be shown a confirmation page containing the order ID and its contents. By implementing the confirmation page snippet we will track the products your users have bought.

Monitoring purchases allows optimizing the distribution of targeted offers and avoids showing users products they already purchased.

Receiving leads

It is possible to receive in real time the data of generated leads to channel them into automation flows, like newsletters, email automation systems or more. This is also required to allow deduplication of leads, to avoid paying for contacts you already possess.

Please read the details in the webhook section.

Optional or custom integrations


Generic page view


Custom lead-generation events


Manually sending a promotional email